Trade the world's most popular Cryptos with leverage, super-tight spreads, low transaction costs, and ultra-fast order execution.

Ticker Name Contract Size Currency Average Spread - Standard Average Spread - Exclusive Commission per Side Volume Step Maximum Leverage Retail (1:) Maximum Leverage Professional (1:) Swap Long Swap Short Swap Triple Charge Trading Hours ( EET Timezone)
BCHUSD Bitcoin Cash 1 USD 7817 7541 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
BTCJPY Bitcoin vs JPY 1 JPY 825106 501241 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
BTCUSD Bitcoin vs USD 1 USD 6191 600 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
DSHUSD Dash 1 USD 384 374 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
ETHJPY Ethereum vs JPY 1 JPY 52975 29120 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
ETHUSD Ethereum VS USD 1 USD 498 192 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
LTCJPY Litecoin vs JPY 1 JPY 12246 11047 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
LTCUSD Litecoin vs USD 1 USD 485 205 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
NEOUSD NEO 10 USD 34 32 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
QTMUSD Qtum 100 USD 535 463 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
XMRUSD Monero 1 USD 226 214 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
XRPUSD Ripple 10000 USD 450 135 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
ZECUSD Zcash 1 USD 213 203 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
XLMUSD Stellar vs US Dollar 1000 USD 565 85 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
ADAUSD CARDANO vs US Dollar 1000 USD 374 44 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
SUSUSD SUSHISWAP vs US Dollar 100 USD 538 58 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
UNIUSD UNISWAP vs US Dollar 100 USD 444 94 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
SOLUSD SOLANA vs US Dollar 10 USD 4554 554 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
OMGUSD OMG vs US Dollar 100 USD 406 36 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
DOTUSD POLKADOT vs US Dollar 100 USD 449 109 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
LNKUSD ChainLink vs US Dollar 100 USD 66 26 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00
DOGUSD DOGECOIN vs US Dollar 10000 USD 46 12 0.05% 0.01 2 2 -10% -10% Friday Monday 00:00 - Sunday 24:00

Important Note about Information Changes: The details in the subject matter tables may change. It's crucial to double-check the accuracy and timeliness of this information on your own, as updates may have happened since the table was created. If you need more info, feel free to reach out to our support team at [email protected].

Trading cryptos with Exclusive Capital is the smart, secure and easy way to invest in all the popular cryptocurrencies. We offer an array of benefits that can empower your trading:

checkmark Super-tight spreads
checkmark Low commissions
checkmark Low transaction costs
checkmark Ultra-fast order execution
checkmark Improved Liquidity
checkmark Leverage exposure


Important Notes:

  • The Swap Value percentage for Crypto represents the annual charge for both long and short positions. The calculation is as follows:
    Overnight Swap charge = Volume X Contract Size X Closing Price X Swap percentage charge / 360


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